I blog about several things... sporadically. Currently... these are theoretical things related to my academic research. I'm also...

A conversation with Ari
can i turn , pridict my future, on. I think we already watched the latest episode. but i thought there was more than one episode. on...

Fears Manifest?
When it comes to having another child… I’ve got a bit of baggage. When R was born I was living in Sydney… 800 km away from extended...

My problem... or theirs?
Transcribing an interview with Dad last night… When I first told him I’d like to have another child he said he was ‘underwhelmed’. It’s...

Family Values
I’m a filmmaker and mum to a cheeky ‘5 and a quarter’ year old. I’m ‘queer’ and single and kind of happy that way at the moment. More...

Holiday trysts and piercing urges
Yep… we’re still trying! We’ve gotten so casual with the awkward logistics of insemination attempts that the latest encounter took place...

Conversing about queer Russia
This is an article for 'The Conversation' I wrote about using social media as a queer person in Russia... using the 2014 Winter Olympics...

Student Presentations & Socials
Change of tack! In the interests of other deadlines I’ve decided the most efficient approach to processing OIISDP reflections is...

Academic crushes...
The highlight of my fortnight at OIISDP was Bernie Hogan on ‘Facebook and Identity’. He did a neat round up of Goffman on performance of...

Oxford explorations
The Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme has been the highlight of my academic career so far! I got back two weeks ago...